What We Do



We train non-specialist healthcare workers and lay people to provide health awareness, screening, assessment, treatment and referral to specialists.
We provide caregiver training courses for individuals exploring professional careers as caregivers, healthcare workers providing practical help to vulnerable patients and those supporting family members with daily living.

Clinical support and supervision

Specialist clinical supervision, consultation, and referral are provided on-site and virtually using telemedicine and mobile technology.
vulnerable patients and those supporting family members with daily living.

Project implementation, monitoring and evaluation

We partner with local and international organizations, agencies, researchers to implement, monitor and evaluate programs and research projects.


To increase access to effective treatments for medical, mental, neurological and substance use disorders. To improve community health screening, preventive care and wellness through collaboration, partnerships, community engagement, and use of mobile technology.


Healthier communities through collaboration, education, training, advocacy and inclusion.


If you would like to volunteer or collaborate with us, please contact us at info@hhc-foundation.org